David Datz is a playwright, novelist, and actor, living in Los Angeles. You can see plays and novels below, on this page. For more about me, click About. To find out what’s new with me, click News. To ask about play production or anything else, or just to tell me what’s on your mind, click Contact.

Full-length comedy. A family discovers that a stranger—or is it a stranger?—is living in their basement, and instead of investigating or calling police, they do what they do best: bicker. MORE INFO

Full-length drama. Employees of a global charity face moral choices after the organization falls under the power of a dishonest new CEO. MORE INFO

Full-length drama/comedy. A group of old friends, all but one of them professional security experts–i.e., hackers–experience strains in their relationships and invite disaster by hacking each other. MORE INFO

10-minute drama/comedy. While gloating over the televised resignation of a national figure who has been disgraced by the outing of his secrets, a family discovers that massive hacks have exposed their own. MORE INFO

10-minute comedy. Ever have someone walk into a meeting in time to hear only the last comment, and join in the discussion without knowing the context? Imagine a daisy chain of such. MORE INFO

15-minute comedy. The hosts of a stage variety show mistake a young Black professional in the audience for a celebrity and pleasantly demand that he perform, despite his protestations, because aren’t all young professional Black men either performers or athletes? MORE INFO

Speculative/commercial. The new humans have escaped! Developed and nurtured over decades in a secret lab city in the southwestern American desert, they have bolted. And all the ordinary folks, cloistered in the project, kept in ignorance, and over-paid to support it, are out too, endangering the secrecy that made the project even possible and wreaking mass hysteria. MORE INFO
More to come! Watch this space!